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About This Blog

By the domain name you probably are wondering, “What is up with that?”  I must first explain that I have been a professional scientist for over 35 years and have intently focused myself on pursuing mostly scientific endeavors.  Only in the recent past I have begun exploring my own creativity.  And what I am finding is that there has been a spark of creativity within me my whole life.  Only through some hard reflections have I come to recognize this, but I am finding that I like it very much.  So here is where it will be discovered and expanded.

I launched this blog in February of 2013 and have been blogging now for more than 10 years.  I owe my wife and my daughter credit for inspiring me to start my own blog, first in reading my daughter’s blog and second in being invited to be a guest blogger.  When I started, I had no idea that I would still be blogging so many years later.

I publish just once a week, early on Sunday morning, in honor of my dad who for over 40 years was a Presbyterian minister.  Just like he did religiously for all those years from the pulpit, I too bring you my messages, just not in person, but in the digital online world.

I had and still have a specific purpose for this blog, and I have written a few times about that.  

After retirement, my parents wrote their life story for all of us in what we affectionally refer to as the “Black Book.”  In the back, they included a number of photos over their lives as well as ours.  I always wanted to do the same, but after several false starts, my “Black Book” became this blog.  You will find posts specifically about this progression if you are so interested.

From the sidebar, you will see that my blog topics include Art, At Home, Books, Insights, Memories, Travel, Miniature Models, and one of my favorites, Entropy.  What better topic for a scientist—randomness?  If you are new to my site, you can explore over five hundred posts on these various topics.

I sometimes wonder if I am running out of topics to write about having been at this for so long.  And then suddenly a new idea will come to me, and I get really excited about exploring it.  I thoroughly enjoy writing these posts and bringing them to you.

One thing you will learn as you read some of my posts is that I am a life-long car lover and I love to drive. I write a lot about cars (and model cars), and they feature in many posts.  I often use car rides metaphorically as well and so say in closing, thanks for hopping in.  I hope you enjoy the ride!